Great Oak Farm is a series of children’s books based in a fictional landscape. The series focusses on some of the species that currently receive legislative protection, and includes those which are not as well publicised in children’s literature.
With the inevitable increase in development and the possible relaxation of wildlife legislation post-Brexit we feel that these books come at an opportune moment to educate young and old alike about the threats our native wildlife face and their importance in the ecosystem.
Children will learn through the course of each story whilst parents will pick up valuable knowledge and facts as they, in turn, read the story to their child. The books are highly pictorial with engaging characters that are not overly anthropomorphised. They also include a section of interesting facts at the end to enhance the knowledge of the reader.
David and Tamsin are enthusiastic about educating the younger generation on the importance of protecting the wildlife around us and why this will benefit the environment now and in the future. Adults will also find these books engaging giving them a good foundation knowledge of each species.